WhatsApp has officially extended its recently launched voice calling feature to BlackBerry 10.
The voice calling feature was introduced to Android platform in March and this month, it was rolled out to iOS users. After BlackBerry 10, Windows Phone users are touted to be the next.
The feature allows users to make Internet calls to their contacts within the app. It uses the provider's data package that lets you place calls over the Web, without using the cellular network.
A Tech Times report says that WhatsApp Calling has been available for the BlackBerry platform for several months, although the feature was only available for users who have the beta version of the app on their BlackBerry.
However, the newest version of the app allows all BlackBerry users to make VoIP calls to their friends and contacts for free, even if they are in another country, as long as they are on Wi-Fi, not a cellular network.
The new WhatsApp for BlackBerry also includes bug fixes and other improvements in search option, location feature, and new font and highlighting in tune with the BlackBerry OS 10.3.
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