Here's how to get iOS 9 now on iPhone or iPad.
Follow all the steps that's listed here carefully. iOS 9 is the upcoming operating system for iPhone and iPad from Apple. It will launch in the Autumn for all current users of iOS 8. Find out why iOS 9 is worth caring about in our iOS 9 release date and new features article. Here we will concentrate on how to get iOS 9 early.
Any iPhone or iPad user can install the iOS 9 beta today, should they so wish. But there are a couple of caveats. For one thing, if you don't already have an Apple Developer account, you will need to pay $99 to register for one. More importantly, you will be installing a beta OS on your iPhone or iPad. Incomplete software releases offer an exciting glimpse of the future, but there will be bugs. And you may find that apps you use in iOs 8 don't yet work properly in iOS 9.
And in the case of iOS 9 there is a further reason to wait. For the first time that we can recall Apple is running a public beta-testing program of its upcoming iOS 9 release. A free public beta. And that free public beta is happening at some stage in July. So the chances are that if you wait for a month you can save yourself the developer free, and install software that - whilst still a beta - is less of a bugfest than the early developer code now available. In this article we will tell you both how to get the iOS 9 beta today, and how you can get it for free in a few weeks.
Either way, you are getting iOS 9 sooner than the herd.
To install iOS 9 ahead of the public beta launch you need to join the iOS Developer Program. If you are happy to wait for the public beta (which we would recommend), scroll on down to the 'Get iOS 9 early: join the public beta programme'.
Like all beta-testing programmes the idea here is that users can get to grips with a new OS, generating and pointing out errors to the software publisher Apple. But even more important to Apple is that apps developers get a chance to try the new OS, so they can get to work in writing new apps and updating existing apps for the new operating system. So at this stage the iOS 9 beta programme is primarily aimed at app developers, as well as those people who manufacture hardware to work with Apple products.
In order to install it, then, you need to become a registered Apple developer. To do so simply head over to Apple's developer site and enrol for the iOS Developer Program using your Apple ID. You will need to pay $99 a year.
Now enrol in the iOS 9 beta programme by going to the iOS Dev Center, sigining in and downloading the beta.
In the online iOS Dev Center you need to register your iPhone- or iPad's UDID. This is a unique identifying number that will let Apple know on which devices iOS 8 beta is running. To find your iPhone or iPad's UDID plug it into iTunes, click on the device's icon in the top righthand corner, view the Summary tab and click on Serial Number.
Input the UDID into the correct field on the iOS Dev Center website.
The iOS Dev Center website will now prompt you to download the appropriate version of the iOS 8 beta for your iPhone or iPad. Select the correct model from the list provided.
While downloading the iOS 8 beta to your PC or Mac, back up the iPhone or iPad on which you're going to install the iOS 8 beta.
Once the download is complete, unzip the file. You'll now have a file with the extension .IPSW. Connect your iPhone or iPad to iTunes.
Hold Shift (Alt on a Mac) and click the Restore iPhone button on the device's Summary tab (next to Check for Update). Browse to and select the .IPSW file you downloaded. iOS 8 will now be installed on your iPad or iPhone. This process will take a few minutes.
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