About 24 hours ago, Apple seeded the fourth iOS 9
beta to developers, which included several minor additions such as
Picture in Picture support for video podcasts, an adjusted Handoff UI
and the return of Home Sharing. Today, Apple let non-developers in on
the fun as well with the release of iOS 9 public beta 2.
haven’t gotten our hands on the change log yet, but we can assume that
the updates were virtually identical. If you want to see the full change
log for iOS 9 beta 4, be sure to check out our post from Tuesday. You can also install beta 4 without a developer account, but now that public beta 2 is available, there’s probably no need.
additions in the latest beta update aren’t especially excited, but iOS 9
is bringing plenty of worthwhile improvements to the iPhone and iPad
when it officially launches this fall. We put together a list of some of our favorite discoveries from the beta testing period so far which you should check out if you haven’t had a chance to try out iOS 9 yourself.
addition, members of the Apple Beta Software Program can also download
a new OS X El Capitan public beta today. Sign up or sign at Apple’s website now.
report gotten from BRG
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