10. Bengal Cat
Bengal cat is the result of a cross breed between a short haired black
cat and an Asian Leopard.
Their size is as small as domesticated cats
yet they carry fur patterns similar to the appearance of a
Leopard. It
takes a lot of generations before the perfect crossbreed is achieved
which is why they
carry such a high price.
Shvaygert Ekaterina/Shutterstock.com
9. Snow Macaque
endangered primate isn’t necessarily a good pet to have, which makes it
more intriguing since a lot of wealthy pet owners seem to want to own
one. They require constant attention and would need a large cage as they
are most likely to escape the house and get lost. The Snow Macaque can
live up to 30 years old.
8. Pastel Butter Stripe Ball Python
python is heavily valued because of its rare genetic makeup that gives
it a yellow stripe with a black border. The pastel butter stripe ball
python can grow up to five feet and is generally known to be a passive
snake. This makes it an excellent pet for owners who like exotic
animals. You’d have to have at least $7,500 to buy one though.
7. Capuchin Monkey
Capuchin monkey is probably one of the most famous animals in the
world. This is due to numerous appearances on different movies and TV
shows. You might notice the monkey in Ace Ventura or the 90s hit TV show
Friends. Even though they can be trained and are highly intelligent,
they require a lot of work and are often times difficult to handle.
6. Camel
are one of the most expensive pets to have especially in the US.
They’ve been known to be domesticated for around 5,000 years now
providing services especially in desert countries. To own a camel you’d
have to buy the animal at an extremely high price and pay for shipping.
You’d also have to file in paperwork which requires you to have some
expensive resources to back up your purchase.
5. Hyacinth Macaw
endangered bird is considered as the largest flying parrot in the
world. It can age up to 60 years and can develop a good amount of
vocabulary. It is also extremely strong which is why owners are advised
to train the bird early and give it a reinforced cage.
4. Palm Cockatoo
bird is in high demand because of its unusual look. It is a very
expensive pet to maintain as its diet consists of very expensive nuts
and vegetables.
3. Savannah Cat
is another cat that’s a result of cross-breeding a domesticated cat
with a wild one – African Serval. They are very hard to produce and are
often priced base on how much the cat retains Serval blood and
2. Chimpanzee
though these monkeys are highly intelligent and are known to replicate a
lot of human actions, they are very dangerous to own as pets. They are
known to bite, climb and destroy a lot of property.
1. White Lion
rare genetic mutation allows the famous king of cats to be born with a
white coat of fur. Cubs are very expensive and very hard to purchase as
most of them are born in zoos. It’s not advised to own them as pets as
they are likely to grow into larger and more ferocious animals.
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