Instagram is a photo sharing, video sharing and social media site. Since when it was bought by Facebook on April 9, 2012 it became the leading picture sharing site globally. It has over 300 million followers as at December 2014.
Regular updates have made it attractive to everyone from celebrities to business personalities and social media enthusiasts. Presently, you can search more interesting things on Instagram unlike before., Africa’s No 1 hotel booking portal rounds up ways users can search for exciting things on this photo sharing website.
Users can find their favourite photos and videos on Instagram with the aid of Geotag. When uploading a picture or video on Instagram, you are allowed to enter your location or where the picture was snapped. With this, you can search Instagram using places.
Web Search
Instagram search was formerly restricted to the mobile app. However, as more people use the web version, users can now search for their profile or that of their favourite personalities or business. The user visits, in the search engine type the name in this format-[JovagoTravel].
Hashtag search
To get more views, likes and comments on Instagram, make use of hashtags. Your search depends on the content you are sharing. For example, use #Motivation #Inspiration, #NeverGiveUp for motivational messages.
Emoticons are characters that shows your mood or feeling when interacting with a friend. These emojis were popularised by the steady rise in the use of smartphones. Users can hashtag an emoticon-#
-to search for happy, exciting, sad and pensive contents.
Adeniyi Ogunfowoke | Travel/Technology Writer
+2348090747241 | Skype: Sleeksavvy
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