A password prevents unauthorised access into your account; be it your phone, computer, e-mail, WiFi and other devices. For users that rely heavily on their computers to work, they may set a Windows password to stop anyone from accessing it. However, if it happens that you are unable gain access into your account because you forgot your password. What will you do? Jovago.com, rolls out steps on how you call access your account without it.
Use an alternative account
Most times if you cannot log into your windows account, you can use another one to login. The alternative account is usually for other users. It is not passworded and gives users limited access.
If you did not set up an account for another user, try this:
Boot your computer in ’Safe Mode’ - the purpose of powering your laptop in this mode is to help fix some of the software application problems with your system.
When logging into Safe Mode, you will be asked which account you want to use. Choose the administrator account.
You may be requested to enter a password but by pressing ‘Enter’ on the keyboard for no password. If this does not work, try other passwords you may have used. If you still cannot log into your account, skip this step.
Once you have gained access into the Administrator account, open the control panel and User Accounts.
In User Accounts, select the account you want to change, click change password, and then enter the new password or click remove the password to remove the password from the account.
You may decide to restore the password request later.
Adeniyi Ogunfowoke | Travel/Technology Writer
+2348090747241 | Skype: Sleeksavvy
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