hello sweetheart Abisola Tawa , your friend Oluomo Asked gist360 to surprise you today on your special day.this is the most patient true lover we have gotten here, you won't believe this guy sent in this birthday request on June 28, the very first week this program started running on this blog, without being scared the relationship may get problem before this date come by, but i pray they are still together. if you read olumo read this message pls comment we want to appreciate you in a special way. below is his lovely message
"Happy birthday to the 1 that complete me; the mother of my unborn children, my maker of good memories, manufactural of merimen and best of all...am officially wishing you all d blessings yhu richly deserve!, Love yhu baby"
Gist360 family love you , pls our reader share this good news and comment your wishes to her.

Is your friends birthday coming soon? Tell it to Gist360 now, we have surprise for the..click for detail
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