Apple unveiled the new iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus and the smartphones are packed with new features. While Apple did not officially announce the battery size of the latest iPhone 6s, a promo video seemingly revealed that the phone has a smaller battery than the iPhone 6.
The 4.7-inch iPhone 6 comes with a 1,810mAh battery; while a 1,715mAh battery will power the iPhone 6s.
Even though the battery size in the iPhone 6s is smaller than the battery of the iPhone 6, Apple claims that the productivity is the same in both the devices.
The official webpage for the iPhone 6 as well as the iPhone 6s suggests that the handset's battery offers up to 14 hours of talk time on 3G. iPhone 6s owners can get up to 10 hours of Internet on 3G, up 11 hours on Wi-Fi and up to 10 hours on LTE.
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iPhone 6s users also get up to 11 hours of HD video playback and up to 50 hours of audio playback. Standby time for the latest Apple offering is 10 days.
Just like previous version of the iPhones, the iPhone 6s has a non-removable rechargeable lithium-ion battery, which can be charged via a power adaptor or a computer.
Apple also suggests that the new iOS 9 will also bring battery optimizations to the iDevices, which means that a smaller battery of the iPhone 6s may be as efficient as the slightly bigger battery of the iPhone 6.
The iPhone 6s brings a number of new features such as Force Touch, 12MP iSight camera and 5MP FaceTime camera, a faster A9 processor, a new rose gold color and more that the company hopes to attract many smartphone buyers.
A slightly smaller battery may be over-looked by many customers; however, battery life benchmark test will reveal the actual endurance of the new iPhone's battery.
Pre-order for the iPhone 6s will start on Sept. 12 and the phone start shipping on Sept. 19.
Check out the promo video of the iPhone 6s that reveals the 1,715mAh battery.
source: Techtimes
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