The latest version of Google's Android operating system, 6.0 Marshmallow, feels like it was written to address some things that annoyed users, and some things that irked Google. For users, it's a sensible update that banishes many of the real groan points about Android, such as its flawed way of handling microSD memory and overactive apps that devour battery life. For Google, meanwhile, it offers ways to encourage more people to search the Web more often, which is the company's ultimate goal. It's a worthy update, for sure, if not quite the sea change that Android 5.0 Lollipop was. That said, one big problem still remains: A persistent fragmentation problem makes it likely that you will never see Marshmallow on your current device. For that reason, Apple's iOS 9 remains our Editors' Choice for mobile operating systems.
All Android Everything
Here's a mind-blower: Android is, by far, the world's best-selling PC operating system. That's because, for more and more people, their handheld devices are their primary computers, and Linux-based Android powers everything from $50 burner phones to enterprise tablets that cost more than most desktop PCs. There are Android desktop PCs, ATMs, and set-top boxes. Android has fulfilled the promise of its free, open-source Linux forebears, becoming as close to a universal operating system as we have right now.That stands counter to the plans all of Google's competitors have followed. Apple, BlackBerry, and increasingly Microsoft make their own hardware and try to slap down uniform experiences without wireless carrier intervention. That's worked for Apple, which has dominated the high-end mobile space with the help of excellent third-party developers that make gorgeous apps for the iPhone. It hasn't worked for BlackBerry and Microsoft.
I'm not going to give a basic rundown of how to use Android. If you're reading this, you probably know that Android and iOS, the two big mobile operating systems, both basically work with a grid of downloadable apps. Android has always had customizable home screen widgets and themes well beyond iOS's capabilities, although the two have come much closer recently in terms of how they show notifications. Instead, I'll focus on how Marshmallow is different from Lollipop, the previous version.
Now on Tap
Marshmallow's most aggressively user-facing feature is Now on Tap, Google's attempt to dramatically increase the amount of searching you do on your phone. Remember: Google's business is all about search, and about search advertising. All of that other Android stuff is just designed to get you searching and looking at Google ads.
Now on Tap puts search everywhere. Hold down the home button on your phone to get suggestions for contextual searches on many screens. On webpages, images, and in messages, you can do Web, news, or image searches for text that's automatically pulled out of the page. Email and contacts are now linked together, so when you hold the home button on an email, you get your correspondent's phone number. If you hold it while listening to music, you get relevant Google or YouTube searches and an Events tab showing concerts in your area.
Some of its features didn't work very well. Specifically, pulling out locations and restaurant names from messages wasn't reliable for me. Now on Tap is also supposed to suggest apps you might want to use, which I didn't see active on the HTC One A9 I used for testing.
After a few days with Marshmallow, I didn't find Now on Tap to be very useful. Maybe it's my lifestyle? I don't get invited to a lot of restaurants I don't know, I don't tend to stream bands I'm not familiar with, and when people email me, I want to email them back, not call them. Perhaps I should be an active millennial trying new things. But this is just the start for Now on Tap, which includes APIs so third parties can get in on the action. This feature is sure to become more powerful in the future.
Setup and Security
Marshmallow hits some pain points in setup and security, as well. It starts with something a little annoying—with encryption turned on by default, you need to PIN/password unlock your phone on reboot (without the fingerprint scanner). But Auto Backup for Apps, which is also on by default, eliminates a major problem Android devices have had in the past: it backs up your app data to the cloud, so you can restore your game statuses on a new device. The only downside is that you need two Marshmallow devices to use it.Marshmallow also refines Android's permissions model so that apps ask for access when they need it, and individual apps' permissions can be revoked. This is a much more user-friendly approach than in previous versions of Android, in which you often have to approve a ton of permissions when you install an app, and it brings Android up to iOS's level of granularity.
The OS now includes widespread fingerprint scanner support, but I don't see the big deal here as individual Android OEMs have included fingerprint scanner support before. Since this is at a platform level, it can now work for purchases in the Google Play store, though.
Battery Optimization
Android has always given third-party apps great leeway to run in the background, and that's led to misbehaving apps becoming a major burden on battery life. Marshmallow aims to fix that with two technologies: Doze, which puts the phone to sleep when it's sitting on a table except for urgent notifications (like text messages) and occasional syncs, and App Standby, which totally shuts down background access for lesser-used apps. I tested Doze on a Nexus 6P running Android 6.0 against a Moto X Pure Edition running relatively stock Android 5.1.1. I also tested the HTC One A9 running skinned Android 6.0 next to its rival, a Samsung Galaxy S6 running skinned Android 5.1. In all cases, the phones had a Google account loaded and a Twitter client running in the background. The Samsung and HTC phones also had Facebook, a notorious battery hog. Honestly, Facebook mattered more than anything else. The S6's battery dropped by one percentage point every 13 minutes, while the A9 took 39 minutes to drop one point. The other two phones took an amazing 106 minutes, but they were receiving updates a lot less frequently, and didn't have Facebook. If you look at pure power consumption, the S6 consumed 2mAh per minute, the A9 consumed 0.6mAh, and the other two phones consumed around 0.02mAh.Letting the Nexus 6P and the Moto X sit for another day, I found the 6P's battery was down to 76 percent, but the Moto X's battery was down to 72 percent; the phones estimated that the Moto X would die 14 hours before the Nexus did, for a total of about six and a half days of standby on the Moto running Android 5.1.1 compared with seven days on the Nexus running Android 6.0.
That's a decent battery gain, but I bet Doze will actually have more of an effect on Samsung's phones than any other manufacturer's, because of Samsung's notoriously busy background services. Doze will quiet the skins and rein in Facebook—maybe not down to stock Android levels, but far enough that you'll see a difference.
Marshmallow's power settings are also more functional and flexible than Lollipop's. For instance, you can now dig into developer options to see which apps have been exempted from App Standby, and tweak those settings. You can also get a clear picture of much power each app has been consuming as measured in mAh, which is the same measurement used to show battery capacity on spec sheets.
Flex Storage
Flex Storage is the most ironic Marshmallow feature. For years, the ability to sock in a microSD card to expand storage has been a major Android advantage. This has only gotten more relevant with huge-capacity microSD cards like SanDisk's 200GB card: You can now create a phone as big as your dreams. But up until now, there have been annoying restrictions on what you can store on microSD cards and how.I used a Sandisk Ultra Plus microSD card for Flex Storage on the HTC One A9, and while I was able to use it, I received a notification telling me that the card is too slow. Even with the "slow" card, games and apps worked just fine, and content saw only one, larger drive. When I set up Flex Storage, it offered to move 4.2GB of apps to the card. I assumed that after this, new apps would continue to be installed on local memory first, and I would be asked if I wanted to move them over. But as I installed new apps, they went to the microSD card first.
But here's the irony. For the past few generations of Android phones, Google has been trying to stamp expandable memory out and encourage phone makers to move to the cloud. Samsung listened, killing the microSD card slot on all of its 2015 flagship phones. There's no microSD card slot on Nexus devices, either. Perhaps this feature will stir a renaissance.
There are more features, too. Better Bluetooth stylus support promises to get rid of the persistent lag when using advanced drawing applications. Apps can connect to Wi-Fi and cellular at the same time. It's easier to customize the quick settings panel. Text selection can be set to automatically snap to each word. These little changes make a difference.
Here's where reviews of Android always lead. With almost every product we review, we try to answer: Should you buy (or download) this? With new versions of Android, the answer is usually: You can't.
Marshmallow adoption is going a little bit better than Lollipop did, with HTC, LG, and Motorola confirming that they'll support the new OS on existing phones. But the devil is often on the calendar here: Upgrades can take months for manufacturers to implement, and then more months for carriers to clear. Android upgrades are less reliable, and come more slowly, than any other mobile OS. Apple, BlackBerry, and Microsoft all provide more prompt, reliable updates. The culprit, as it always has been, is the amount of freedom Google gives manufacturers and carriers to customize their devices.
As of this writing, if you want Marshmallow, you'll need to buy a Google Nexus 5X, a Google Nexus 6P, or an HTC One A9. Not even the Moto X Pure Edition has it. And that makes features like Auto Backup for Apps less useful, as you're less likely to be upgrading from a Marshmallow phone to another Marshmallow phone.
Comparisons and Conclusions
Lollipop was a major design change for Android. Marshmallow addresses specific pain points and complaints users have had with the OS. Some of those changes are truly meaningful. Doze significantly improves standby battery life on an OS that has always had problems with runaway background processes, and Flex Storage means that you can now truly have a 264GB phone.
The more subtle problem is that Android's riot of different hardware and software versions mean that app quality (and to a lesser extent, availability) tends to be lower than on iOS. I spend most of my year with Android, two months with iOS, and a month with Windows Phone. I always feel like I'm losing some gorgeous games, and a bit of fit and finish, when I switch back to my better Android notifications and more flexible Android home screens.
I choose Android for myself, but iOS 9 remains our overall Editors' Choice for mobile operating systems. Let's knock out the lower-end contenders first. BlackBerry's impending release of the Android-powered Priv shows that even the company doesn't have faith in BlackBerry 10. Windows 10 Mobile (which we haven't yet tested) has a lot of great ideas, but its tiny market share means that for now, it gets high-profile apps late, if at all.
iOS 9 has already come to millions of devices much more quickly than Marshmallow will, thanks to Apple's control over its update process. Its narrow hardware target and powerful APIs make for better games and more beautifully designed apps. Yes, it ties you to a small set of high-end phones. But it doesn't really tie you to Apple's cloud services any longer—you can use Google's, or Microsoft's, or Amazon's.
For the rest of us, there's still Android. Hopefully Marshmallow, but probably Lollipop, or even Jelly Bean on less expensive devices. Android 6.0 is a nice OS, if you can get it. Isn't that always the way?
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