travelled the world, you get a pretty fair view on how fascinating some
countries and the cultures they carry can be. In the spirit of repartee
and with a pinch of salt, Jovago.com, Africa’s largest hotel booking
portal presents 10 reasons why you should take a second look at the most
populous black nation in the world.
Also read: 3 Awesome Ways to Avoid the Fastfood Trap
1. Because their men are great lovers
been kissed by a Nigerian man? One touch and your life is skewed
forever. There is no actual word for their form of kissing but it’s akin
to having your lips plugged to a suction pipe, an embrasser avec la langue of sorts which leaves your facial muscles hurting in all the wrong places.
Also read:
2. Because we’ve been allowed to believe that Nigerian women can’t get slim
diet books claim that Nigerian women are chubby because they eat only
fresh beef, all day. Their obesity rates are bursting the scales and one
in four women is on some kind of medication before they hit menopause.
Try sitting with them on a bus and you suffocate. The fact that Agbani
Darego went on to win the Miss World pageant in 2001 doesn’t count…she’s
only an exception.
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3. They have no chill for wildlife, too
flying and crawling creatures are for food in this country. In 2015,
millions of chickens and goats are force-fed with grass in order to
produce enough meat for a single meal. Heck, there’s a part of Nigeria where dogs are considered a delicacy. How weird is that?!
4. Because they lack humour
Have you heard a Nigerian laugh before? Utter chaos! Before the Revolution, the French invented the word l’esprit,
which means ‘wit’, but the term “humour” had no comparison until this
group of people were created. At the slightest tickle, they burst in
rib-racking laughter with veins popping out of their heads, almost like a
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5. And they think their cooking is the best in the world
Large bowls of fatty meat steeped in greasy oil is a Nigerian’s version of a gourmet meal. They boast of 5-star multichain hotels with international standard chefs and when the platter is served, round balls called Eba big
enough to choke you in the throat stare you in the face. Who knows,
maybe this is what makes their dishes so popular. Coincidence,non?
6. Because they love Fela
1969, Fela went on tour of the United States as the first authentic
black musician to play in 10 American cities. His fame did not stop
there. With his quick tongue and witty disposition, he soon became a
primary target of the military regime he fought against. Fela’s music
went platinum, he died of AIDS and had a heavy drug problem.
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7. And they hate rock ‘n’ roll
At least most of them do. It’s strange how you see them gyrating to a class of music calledFuji,
which totally lacks rhythm by the way, and yet have they turn their
nose up at metallic rock. Yes, their artistes have won countless awards
around the globe and yes, their excitement is infectious sometimes but
this doesn’t mean a thing…or does it?
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