Smartphone companies like Apple
and Samsung have long trumpeted their devices' megapixel count, which
measures the size of a camera's image when printed, as shorthand for the
quality of the photos they produce. Rival firms have taken pleasure in
one-upping each other's devices, hopping from 8 megapixels to 12 to 16
and beyond. Slapping a big, flashy number on the side of a box is easy
But experts say that smartphone makers which simply keep adding more megapixels could find themselves suffering from diminishing returns.
"To some extent, you get to a
point where more megapixels doesn't produce better quality pictures,"
says Ryan Reith, an analyst at research firm IDC. Instead, some
observers argue that boosting photo quality will mean changing factors
like the size of a phone's camera sensor (the bigger the better) or the
amount of light its lens lets in (the more the merrier).
The latest generation of
smartphones shows that electronics firms are beginning to agree,
heralding an end to the megapixel wars. Samsung's new Galaxy S7 has a 12-megapixel camera, a drop-off from its predecessor's 16. LG didn't bother to pack more megapixels in its new G5. Likewise, Sony's new Xperia X phones have the same number of megapixels found in some of its older smartphones.
What these phones are lacking in
megapixels they make up for in other flashy photographic features.
Samsung claims its latest Galaxy handsets deliver faster focusing
through a method employed by high-end cameras. LG gave its new G5 a
second lens that broadens its field of view, opening new artistic
possibilities. Sony says its new phone can predict where a subject will move, reducing motion blur.
These and other innovations will
result in smartphones that can take better photos in situations where
such devices have traditionally fallen short, like dimly lit rooms or
when capturing action scenes. Those improvements, more than upping the
number of megapixels in a given device, will result in better smartphone
photos for all of us.
It's possible there's a limit to
how far smartphone makers can go in the photography department. One
hurdle: Physical space. The big professional cameras lugged around by
concert photographers and photojournalists offer plenty of room for
giant sensors and zooming capabilities. But smartphone buyers want slim
designs, forcing a compromise.
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