job may require you to check your mail regularly. However, if checking
your inbox becomes a habit, perhaps it is time for you to take a break
from it., Africa's No. 1 hotel booking portal shares some tips on how you can get much more done without constantly sieving through unproductive emails.
Schedule times to check your email
average person checks their email more than 15 times per day according
to research. This is too much. Except you receive large numbers of
messages daily, you should give a reasonable timeline between the
periods you check it. This will also help you address bulk emails at the
same time rather than individually. Most importantly, schedule times
for checking emails to give you room to attend to other activities. For
most people with busy schedules, once every hour is fine.
Do not check your email before going to bed or after you wake up
like individuals who are addicted to Social Media, they cannot do
without checking their social media accounts before they sleep or
immediately they wake up. Same goes for emails. Make a resolution that
you will stop checking emails before sleeping or immediately you wake
Set Notifications
you are using your personal computer or a phone to view your email, you
can set your notifications. The notification will alert you whenever
you have an email. Hence, there will be no need to check your email
every second.
Store files and documents somewhere else
some persons, they use their emails for various purposes, including to
save important files and documents simply because they do not want to
lose them. However, you cannot reduce your dependence on emails if you
do not move these files to other places. You can move them to DropBox,
Google Doc or you can backup using your hard drive. The best option will
be hard drive because you do not need to go online before you access
your files.
Use other options rather than emails
are several ways to communicate with colleagues or superiors at work.
The less you send emails, the less you receive emails. Except the
message you want to send is extremely important, a chat media like Skype
can serve whatever purpose you want.
Ogunfowoke Adeniyi | |
Travel/Technology Writer | |
Mobile: +2348090747241 Skype: Sleeksavvy | |
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