battery is the most important component of any smartphone. There are
some phone batteries that take seconds to charge and at the same time,
it takes seconds to drain. This can be very annoying because it limits
you the things you can do with your phone like taking selfies, listening
to music and watching videos. Therefore, it is important to charge your
phone properly in order to prevent the damage of your battery or its
quick charge. Jovago.com, Africa's No 1 hotel booking shares some tips
to prevent the damage of your battery while charging your phone.
Always use the charger that comes with your phone
you bought a new phone, it is better to always use the charger that
came with your phone whenever you want to charge. But if you bought
fairly used, do not just buy any charger. Using any charge to charge
your phone can damage your gadget or battery.
Keep your phone cool, dry place
position you place your battery is important. Do not place it in a hot
place for example, where the rays of the sun can reach it. Your battery
will drain faster when it is hot. As a caveat, it is better you unplug
it when it is hot and always disconnect it whenever it is fully charged.
Don't Calibrate your Battery
your battery means that you want your android phone to properly report
the percentage charge of your of your device. Many phone users calibrate
their phones when it moves from nearly full to nearly empty.
Notwithstanding, you do not need to calibrate your battery. It is either
you replace your battery or use it like that. If you rely on
calibration to boost your battery, it can destroy your battery and
Intermittent charging
than charging your phone at a go, it is better to charge it
intermittently throughout the day. That means charge only charge your
phone when it is under 50% and not expressly allowing it to charge.
Keep your device half full
Your phone do not need to charge 100% before you remove it. To make your battery last longer, always keep it charged above 50%.
Adeniyi OGUNFOWOKE Content Writer-Travel/Tech | |
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