Adopting a pet dog is always an exciting time and a life-long dream for many adults and kids. When you’re finally ready to bring a dog into the family, there are many decisions you need to make and many questions that wait to be answered. Keep in mind that these decisions regard not only the dog breed you plan to get, but also the questions of how your new pet dog will fit into your household. Here are some things to think about before bringing a puppy home.
What is your family like?
If you live alone or with a spouse, you can get virtually any dog you want, provided that you have enough time for sufficient care for the puppy. However, if you have children, then your choice of a breed should largely depend on their age. Many parents tend to think that small dogs are an ideal choice for a family with kids, but in reality toy dogs are much more fragile and quicker to bite than medium and large breeds. Avoid accidental injuries both to the dog and the kids by going for a larger puppy. Remember that it’s not recommended to bring puppies under 5 months into a family with small children for the same reasons.
How much can you spend?
Although dogs and puppies can be expensive, getting a dog is only a fraction of your expenses in the future. Before the puppy starts living in your home, you need to have a bare minimum of items needed for keeping a pet: a bed, two bowls, chewing toys, a leash with a collar, emergency pet medicine, and dog food. If you plan to get a breed with a luscious coat, then add grooming products and brushes to the list. Additionally, you need to account for regular trips to the vet. Plus, some dogs require professional training to be able to safely live with humans, and that kind of training can cost quite a lot.
Do you have enough time?
Besides the financial aspects of adopting a puppy, there is also the question of time. No matter which breed you get, in the beginning your whole days will be devoted to taking care of the puppy and teaching it the basic commands. Puppies need to be taken outside 5-6 hours a day, which is why you need to plan these walks in advance. And even when the dog grows up, you’ll still need to find time to feed and groom your pooch, take it for a walk, help it socialize, and ensure the proper medical care in case there is a need for it. Getting a dog is a big commitment, so make sure you and your family are up for this challenge.
Where to get a dog?
There are many ways to get a new puppy, but if you want to be able to buy from Nigeria’s top sellers while getting a rare opportunity to save money, look for dogs for sale. There you will find a complete selection of dogs of every possible breed, which means your dream puppy can be just a few clicks away!
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