First of all you will have to install xampp server, if you don't know how to do that click HERE. After that, you will go and download the latest version of wordpress HERE.
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Lets follow the picture below and install it together
1 Open the xampp server and create a databass.
2 Go were you downloaded the wordpress and extract it. it will be in zip. extract the file and you will get this at pic below
2 Yow will have to go your drive c, click on xampp,
3 Click on htdocs
4 You will create a new folder, copy all the wordpress file you unziped above and paste them inside the new folder and name the folder what ever you like, like i named mine 'gist'
After copying it, you will get this
Look for wp-config-sample.php, write click on it and edit it with test editor be it notepad or notepad++
See picture above, change the database name to the name of the database you created, mine is 'gist'
Change your user name to "root"
Change your password to ''
Now save as wp-config.php. do not replace the wp-config-sample.php
see picture below
Go to your browser and type in localhot/the name you gave your folder your created.
ie localhost/gist
Fill up all the information and click next or install
All the information you supplied here will used as ur login details,
click nest
You login page comes up just like you wordpress online, then feed in the detail with user name and pass your created before and login
Boom, your wordpress up and running just like your are online, go and enjoying it.
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