A RELATIONSHIP is not about having a
handsome boyfriend or having a beautiful
girlfriend. Its not about looking for a perfect
person coz there is no perfect person on earth.
Its not about looking for a well off or rich
person. MONEY CANT BUY LOVE. A relationship
is finding someone
who respects you,
who cares about you,
who understands you,
who is proud of having you,
who loves you the way you are, who is faithful to
you, who knows how to comfort you, who knows
how to encourage you and who would accept the
worst of you and who will go through everything
without giving up on you. Such people
are very rare to find these days. If u have got
one, just keep that person, handle him/her with
extra care, be honest and contented with that
person, don't ever think of hurting or letting
down that special person. If you don't have such
relationship you better start praying and looking
for one; God will strengthen your relationship
and you
will find someone with such qualities.
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