When you sit with an elderly person, they often speak wistfully on how the past was better than the present. The
wrinkles on their faces are usually visible as they lament the steady
decline in values and culture. Underneath their façade, so much worry
and concern for the present generation. In a bid to preserve a dying
culture, Jovago.com, Africa’s No 1 hotel booking portal highlights some age-long practices that made Nigeria a better nation and how we can learn from it.
Also read:
The art of storytelling
art of storytelling is exclusively African. As a communal society, the
art of rendering folkloric tales was prevalent in many Nigerian homes. On
moonlit evenings in the past, children from different households sat on
logs listening to elders tell tales woven from creative imaginations.
stories were aimed at teaching children morals and were always
accompanied by songs often chorused by the children. These stories
contributed in grooming morally upright kids.
Honesty and trust
are many trustworthy Nigerians, however, the degree and level of trust
that existed in the past cannot be compared with what is available
gave women selling their wares the confidence to leave her stores
unattended without thoughts of being robbed crossing their minds. When
they returned in the evening, two things were guaranteed, it is either
they pick up their money or unsold wares. Very few people can attempt
this today.
N1 to $1
Yes…this is true. The Naira was exchanged for almost a dollar. Most of the hotels located in this area here had room rates available at less than N10. Who would not want this to come back?
the right economic policies as well as diversification of the economy
driven by tourism, the Naira will once again stand shoulder-to-shoulder
with other international currencies. In addition, more commercial
centers may be floated so that Lagos will not collapse due to economic
and social pressure. In the meantime, the Naira is currently exchanged at the rate of N199 to a dollar.
Ogunfowoke Adeniyi | |
Travel/Technology Writer | |
Mobile: +2348090747241 Skype: Sleeksavvy | |
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