Trying to figure out where Apple’s (AAPL)
headed is a fool’s errand. This is the most successful company on the
planet, and it got there and stays there by out-thinking everybody else.
Part of that strategy is not letting the rest of us know its plans
ahead of time. Yes, there was the genius of Steve Jobs, but since his
death in October of 2011, the stock has doubled—so Tim Cook deserves
credit too.
Conventional wisdom says Apple
is now at a crossroads. The company is so reliant on the iPhone—on track
to sell some 231 million units this year, generating roughly 63% of its
revenue and likely even more of its profit—that it has become
vulnerable. Morgan Stanley’s Katy Huberty recently predicted sales of
the iPhone—arguably the most successful consumer product of all
time—will fall in 2016 for the first year ever. (Context alert #1: Apple
shipped just 1.4 million phones in year one, 2007.) Of course, the
market has taken notice of Apple’s unnerving position. AAPL, which
peaked at $132 in May, has now sagged to $106—an 18% drop while the
market has dipped about 6%. Not exactly market leadership there.
Apple’s price-to-earnings ratio has dropped to 11.56—down from 17.93 in
February according to YCharts—significantly below its five-year average
of 14.31. (Context alert #2: The P/E was as high as 21.49 in December
of 2010.) That low P/E is telling you the market is showing little faith
in Cook & Co.'s ability to drive earnings higher. So Apple is
either a buying opportunity or a value trap. (Context alert #3: Apple’s
P/E ratio is way lower than any of its AFANA cohort. [Alphabet: 32,
Facebook: 105, Netflix: 308, Amazon: 948.])
Apple needs to do is: A) Keep iPhone sales up, and/or B) Find other
sources of revenue. Both will be tough. Growing phone sales by 10% for
instance—or 23 million units—is more than all the phones the company
sold in 2009. And consumers seem to have been holding back from
upgrading older iPhones, (though you could see that as an opportunity).
Sales in China doubled recently, and the company continues to rely on
that huge albeit now slower-growing economy. While Apple has upside to
the iPhone 6, at some point soon it will need to add significant new
features or some kind of new phone. Bottom line, I think the company can
achieve this and that any weakness in iPhone sales could well be priced
in the stock.
As for other
sources of revenue, well, let us count the ways: The Watch, Music, TV,
Apps, even an Applemobile (and of course magical products still
percolating in Jony Ive’s mind) are all candidates to mitigate any
slowdown in the iPhone business. The problem is the iPhone is such a
juggernaut that for now all of those businesses collectively go nowhere
near matching the iPhone.
size scares investors, too. At $600 billion, it sports the largest
market cap in the world (Alphabet is now #2), and you wonder just how
much bigger the company can grow.
a single iota of this is news to Tim Cook and his management team, who
of course are relentlessly focused on A) the phone and, B) old and new
products. I have no idea what they are cooking (!) up, and I have no
idea whether they will succeed—certainly they’ll flub some stuff. But
one mistake people always make about Apple is to look at the company as
static -- in other words, what the company is today, is what it will be
in the future. In fact, Apple has always changed and grown.
surprised! According to NASDAQ, Apple has beaten the consensus earnings
estimate four quarters in a row. In its first quarter last calendar
year (ending 12/24/14) the company was expected to make $2.60 per share,
and it actually made $3.06. In the quarter that Apple is set to report
in the end of January, analysts are looking for $3.26. Yes, comps will
be tough in 2016, so we shall see. (Context alert #3: Over the long
haul, analysts believe the company will show earnings growth of over
12%, according to Zacks.)
last point: I own four Apple devices on which I am constantly rotating
throughout the day. Despite my frustration with some of Apple’s
software, I’m never more than a foot away from one of them, day and
night, except when I’m in the shower. As for my family, it seems like
I'm always buying either an iPhone or MacBook for one of my two
daughters every birthday or Christmas. I don’t see any end in sight to
this trend. That’s good news for Apple.
don’t know what Apple’s doing next, and yes, there’s a bit of a leap of
faith here, but I wouldn’t bet against them. That might be a fool’s
errand, too.
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