good habits may take time but regular practice will make it part of
you. To put uncomfortable setbacks at bay and help you have a hitch-free
journey,, Africa’s No 1 hotel booking portal shares some
travel habits to have a smooth vacation.
Carry original copies of your documents
does not mean you should physically carry all your original travel
documents along with you. Rather, you should have the originals uploaded
to either your email or saved to any cloud storage website like
Onedrive, Dropbox or GoogleDoc for easy accessibility. If at any point,
you cannot find photocopies of your travel documents, you can quickly
retrieve them online.
Hide your money
With the cashless policy in Nigeria,
travelers rarely carry large amounts of money. Today, ATM cards are
used to settle travel expenses. But this does not rule out the fact that
some people still carry cash. If you are junketing with cash, you
should hide it in unsuspecting places. If you misplace your wallet, cash
will come handy!
Pack as lightly as possible
you are going on a short or long vacation, you should not overpack. You
will not only be weighed down but will also be paying more especially
if you are flying. Packing light is to make your travels exciting and
less stressful.
Reduce your alcohol intake
people cannot do without gulping alcohol. The side-effects of alcohol
intake while traveling are that it makes you fatigued, dehydrated and
unstable. To stay healthy all the way, can replace alcohol with a fresh
glass of water and you’re good to go!
Charge all your devices
phone is as important as your travel documents so it’s important to
keep them on always. It is not advisable to rely on charging at the
hotel or airport which is a regular practice among many travelers. The
consequence of charging your iPad or Smartwatch at the airport is that
you may forget your device, and this is even worse.
Ogunfowoke Adeniyi | |
Travel/Technology Writer | |
Mobile: +2348090747241 Skype: Sleeksavvy | |
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